# Boards

Boards are a list or gallery of tokens and they can be either private or public. Public boards can be followed by anyone, while private boards are only visible to you.

With boards we welcome a new type of users: curators!

# Private boards

When you create a new board it is private by default. Go creative! Use your boards to organize your collection, create wish lists, highlight items featuring your favourite colours or artists. Take your time assembling your board. If you choose, you can make a board public for others to enjoy at any time!

# Public boards

Public boards can be followed by other users and they contribute towards their personalised feed. You can curate different types of boards such as photography boards, creative coding boards, monochrome boards, illustration boards, etc.

# Creating a board!

Boards can be created from two places: your profile, or within a token detail page. Make sure you add both a Name and Description to your new board to save it. You can create multiple boards.

# Add items

To add content to your boards you simply open any token detail page - next to the "Like" button there is a new "Save" button. Pressing Save will prompt a modal window where you can select which board(s) you want to add the token to.

# Remove items

To remove an item from your board, open the token's detail page, and press the Save button again. This allows you to de-select the board(s) it's currently on, and you can then save to remove from the board(s).

# Changing board privacy

To change the visibility of a board from public to private, or vice-versa, access the board from your profile's board page, select Edit Board, and select or deselect "Make this board private" as needed, then confirm.

# Deleting a board

To delete a board, first navigate to your profile page, access your boards page, select the board you wish to delete, select Edit Board and then press "Delete".